How To Adjust Caliper Brakes On A Bicycle
Four steps to adjust bicycle brakes
Adjusting caliper brakes on a bicycle is an essential skill for any cyclist to ensure optimal braking performance and maintain safety on the road. Here are four steps to help you adjust the caliper brakes on your bicycle:
Properly align brake pads for safety
1. First, start by identifying the brake pad on each caliper. Look for a small bolt or pin that holds the pad in place. Use a wrench or an Allen key to loosen this bolt, allowing you to reposition the pad. Ensure that the brake pad is properly aligned with the rim of the wheel and that it has adequate clearance. The pad should sit squarely on the braking surface without touching the tire.
Adjust caliper tension for optimal braking
2. Next, assess the tension of the caliper by squeezing the brake lever. If the brake lever feels too loose or too firm, you can adjust the tension using the barrel adjuster. The barrel adjuster is usually located on the caliper or brake lever. Turn it counterclockwise to increase tension and tighten the brake or clockwise to decrease tension and loosen the brake.
Adjust brake tension for symmetrical contact
3. As you adjust the brake tension, make sure the pads are hitting the rim symmetrically. Observe the space between the rim and each pad. Adjust the position of the caliper arms by loosening the mounting bolt. Gently squeeze the brake lever and adjust the caliper arms until both pads strike the rim simultaneously, leaving the same clearance on both sides. Once adjusted, retighten the mounting bolt securely.
About me
I got my first bicycle when I was 3 years old. 10x years later I still love to cycle! In the meantime, I also developed an absolute obsession with motorbikes! I write about my hobbies and lifestyle on this blog.